I would like to explain how the immune system works and how it gets triggered. When we are exposed to any thing in our environment, the hypothalamus picks up the information and relays it to the pituitary and adrenal glands....
Read more in the article here Hay Fever Can it Be Reversed?
If you have any questions please email me or message me from this site.
Is it possible to be allergy free? I worked with a client recently with a nut allergy, and here is what he said after the sessions:
"My nut allergy began quite late in life. My sessions with Charan helped the underlying energetic cause of the allergy and to release them. My symptoms have completely cleared and I can now enjoy different foods with no worry about nut allergens! Thank you Charan this has been a blessing!”
Read the article here to see how this is possible....
Is Being Allergy Free Possible
With Love
Have you ever wondered how emotions we feel can get trapped in the body and result in the body having physical issues?
Emotions are like waves that come and go, and to be able to experience them as part of a wave allows us to stay connected to this space of possibilities. But when we aren’t being present in the moment, it can result in the emotion being trapped somewhere in the body.
Here's the article for your pleasure:
With Love
The Emotion Code works so well with all, including children and animals, too.
I had the privilege of working with a lady, who then felt inspired to go home and work with her daughter who had a pineapple phobia. Interesting right?
Read on to find out what happened... :)
Children and The Emotion Code
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