Have you ever had situations where you “work” on a situation and keep uncovering layers but yet the “symptoms” are still there?
A pain not going away?
Weight not shifting?
Could be anything.
Our subconscious makes up 93% of our consciousness. What’s in there? Information to keep our bodies functioning, and information that we have picked up along the way in our lives. Like not to touch a hot stove as that can hurt, for example. But we also pick up beliefs and perceptions from our environment as a result of what we experience. An example of this could be “It’s hard to lose weight”, as you’ve heard someone say it or experience it and so it becomes part of you on a subconscious level. Of course this is just one example, and there are many like this.
But my point is, if we aren’t aware of these beliefs and perceptions in our subconscious, just like we aren’t aware of how our liver is functioning, for example. It is a silent “tape” that is running in the background.
So when you try to los...
Can buildings have Trapped Emotions, and have leaks or structural problems to get our attention to release them?
Here is an article I wrote on this topic after having a water leak in my house...
50% Complete
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