Buildings and Emotions?


Can buildings have Trapped Emotions, and have leaks or structural problems to get our attention to release them?

Here is an article I wrote on this topic after having a water leak in my house...

Buildings and Emotions

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Emotion Code and Pregnancy


Pregnancy, is associated with fertility, nurturing, love and so much more. It can also bring up feelings of being protective and wanting to be safe. All these are natural and part of the whole process.
It makes sense then that there is some caution when it comes to working on the baby in utero and with the mother while she is pregnant, because it naturally brings up feelings of wanting to protect the child and it’s growth.

In order to come back to a place of nurturing rather of protection, it is important to understand how the Emotion Code works. This would allow the mother to make a decision on whether this is something that will help her and her baby during pregnancy rather then do harm.

Everything is energy. Our organs, our blood, the nutrients in our blood that move across the placenta into the baby, the cells of the baby and mother – all of it is energy. Because when we look at the cells, and further down to the DNA, we get atoms, protons, neutrons, and...

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Bursting the Bubble Around the Heart


Here's my latest fun, animated video in the series "Bursting the Bubble.."

Do you suffer from depression, or a feeling of not being connected, or even a feeling that there seems to be a barrier in the way of you giving and receiving love?

Maybe you have a Heart Wall...

Watch my video to find out more.

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Is it Safe to let Go?


Here's my next article - "Is it safe to let go?"

Sometimes we can "work" on an issue till we are blue in the face (figuratively speaking), and still wonder why things aren't changing. Here's my next article on this, and a few questions that we can "ask" our subconscious to allow it to FEEL safe to LET go of the issue in question.

Why beat the door down, when we can just turn the handle...? ;-)


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